My Last Installment of The Chloe Chronicles in Bark Magazine

My last installment of “The Chloe Chronicles” from the December 2013 print edition of Bark magazine is now up on the Bark’s website. I handed in this installment about three weeks before Chloe died. In this piece, I wrote about how Chloe was slowing down and showing signs of aging. I wrote about how I was starting to worry that some day she might get sick and die. I had no idea she was actually quite sick, yet as I re-read the piece, the signs are there.

As I re-read the piece, I don’t know how to react. I could feel ashamed and horrified that I treated her “signs of aging” so lightly; or I could feel awed that, at some level, we got to say goodbye in such a deep way.

What awes me most is the pull-quote Bark chose to use. A few months ago, when I expressed my concerns about to Chloe that I wouldn’t be able to handle it if she got sick, she replied (telepathically, of course): “Don’t worry. We are together now. That’s all that matters. And when the time comes, you will still be with me and I will be with you.”
Thank you, Bark Magazine, for publishing The Chloe Chronicles and allowing me to honor her in this way.

Here’s a link to the column.  Enjoy!



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